creative writer.


Direct yet conceptual. Provocative and engaging. Design & illustration for brands, publications, and people.


Oh, hi!

I’m Tali, a freelance creative/writer currently starring in a terrible reality show called COVID-19. I don’t think I’m going to win, but my character arc is looking pretty solid.

I’ve spent the last decade writing for some of the biggest brands in the world, including McDonald’s, Microsoft, Heineken, Kellogg, Unilever and Hyundai, and recently spent a couple of years living in Amsterdam, running my own creative consultancy and falling off my bike a lot. I’ve also tutored and completed AWARD School and am acutely aware that this is starting to sound like a weird corporate dating profile, in which case I fully reckon you should swipe right.

When I’m not writing, you’ll find me running, reading, scrolling, snacking and dancing around my apartment to Nelly (flap ya wings, dilemma etc).

I fractured my tailbone trying to fly-kick an animatronic mannequin in the eyes so I tend to sit a bit funny, but apart from that, I’m totally normal, and always up for interesting projects. If you want to work with me, please get in touch via the email address I’ve had since 1998:

Alternatively, hit me up on Instagram (carpe DM): @supertali

Or call me, maybe: 0413 122 816

To see where I’ve worked/what I’ve studied (and to verify I’m a real person), check out my profile on LinkedIn.
